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What is Rurouni Kenshin

What is Rurouni Kenshin? Just the best anime on this planet! Reasons why:

1) It has a good story line and a good plot (if any of you noticed, plot and story line are the same thing).

2) The characters are the best (and there is a lot of them), and half the characters are crazy (and crazy people kick ass)!

3) It is a nice long anime, 95 episodes to be presice (although some people think the 3rd season sucks).

In my best anime list it is a big #1. The main plot/storyline is there is a samurai named Kenshin (duh) Himura and he was in something called the mangi revolution. He was one of the lengendary manslayers (in japanese he's called the Hitokiri Battousai). Now he has decided never to kill again and he uses a reverse blade sword (in japanese a sakabatou) which is a samurai sword with the blade on the wrong side, so he won't slice people in half when he hits them. And that is pretty much all about Rurouni Kenshin that I could fit in this paragraph.

Around the Site

Home Page: this page

Contact Page: It Shows My E-mail address

Favorite Links: My Favorite Links (Duh)

Custom2 Page: My top 3 Animes

Guest Book Page: Guest Book (that does not work)

Custom Page: Hot Anime Girls !

Photo Page: Pictures I Like

Custom3 Page: My Enishi Shrine

Custom4 Page: My Shishio Shrine

About Page: My Suzuka Shrine

All About Me


Where I Live: New York (the state, not the city)

(I really should be using an about page for this but i decided not to do the work and i am just lazy.)

My AIM Screen Name

My AIM screen name is Blade of Hiten.  My buddy icon is of aoshi yeah aoshi rocks !

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Rurouni Kenshin

The Best Anime Ever

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" The smell of blood is as commen as the smell of white plum " -Master Hiko